When the Schools Shut Down by Ms. Yolanda Gladden with me as the Book Doula

Rome two years ago and today...
So you guys remember when an employee from a certain bookshop in San Antonio (The Twig) wouldn't let me use the restroom while I was on my community-funded book tour for Tallulah the Tooth Fairy CEO and God flipped that into a book deal at HarperCollins for me?
That book is out now!

It's the story of Ms. Yolanda Gladden (a fantastic person I am grateful to know) and the community of Prince Edward County in Virginia.
Anyone who knows me personally or professionally knows that I am not into books on racism, slavery, or segregation, so I was very hesitant to take on this story. BUT, after speaking with Ms. Yolanda and being completely inspired by her resilience, wisdom, discernment, and her truth, I said ok to helping her pen her narrative of growing up in a time when her county chose to shutter public schools for five years rather than desegregate. The Black community, her Black community, opened their own schools in homes and other buildings, and the children continued learning.
Sometimes God takes you to and through things to prepare you for what you'll need to do. It is not lost on me that experiencing racism, both on a micro and macro level during the time Tallulah The Tooth Fairy CEO was republished by MacMillan, uniquely prepared me to help Ms. Yolanda's story reach the world.
You can purchase When the Schools Shut Down here:

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