You know the feeling when you do a craft that's so stinkin' cute and you know you're gonna keep it forever and ever and always just to remember how tiny the foot that was involved used to be? Yeah, we did one of those crafts last week.
We're counting down to Halloween at the schoolhouse, and lots of our activities are based on the candy-filled holiday.
While perusing my favorite website EVER, Pinterest, I lucked up on some cool do-a-dot Halloween themed
If you have a kid in your house, you need some Do-a-Dot Markers. They're sooooo much fun and can be used for all sorts of cool crafts and ideas.
So here's what we did with them--
I pulled out my fuzzy die |
and we played an impromptu roll-a-dot game. The kids took turns rolling the die, and whoever filled up their Halloween-themed Do-a-Dot sheet won.
In the next playgroup, we read a Halloween story and then moved along to the craft...
we grabbed our green paint |
a glob of it goes on a paper plate |
removed smelly socks from each kid...tried to get them to sit still long enough to snap a pic
didn't work for most, as you can see! |
hands-down their favorite part |
except for Paolo, who preferred to finger-paint his monster |
throw in some googly eyes |
fill in the hair and draw on a mouth |
and throw it in the frame |
and the mamas swoooooooon |
I know I'll still have this when Noah's 34. It is framed, after all.
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